Coaching FAQs
What is coaching?
Help. Every successful person had help. No one was born knowing how to be successful. Coaches teach time-tested success principles, create a solid action plan to increase your business, help you release internal barriers holding you back, and provide perspective and accountability to transform your business.
What does coaching do for people?
Quite frankly, most people enroll in coaching to earn more money. And apparently it works; 80% of our clients dramatically increase their business. When people make the decision to change, and then get the help to actually make it happen, incredible changes take place in all areas of a person’s life.
Who uses coaching programs?
People who have made the decision to become successful. Coaching is for people who claim success as a priority, and have decided it’s time to make it happen. Expect Success Global’s Programs are for people who want to get on course to a better life now, not someday.
Which program would be a good fit for me?
EXPECT SUCCESS GLOBAL has 3 programs available. Each one is tailored to meet various business goals and budgets. Think about how much change you’d like to see in your life & business, and choose the plan that you feel is the best fit for you.
I have attended many training seminars over the years, why am I not getting the results I want?
You attend a training or motivational seminar and leave with excitement and new skills. Then the distractions of your life start, and you begin to lose your new focus and go back to the same old patterns and habits you had before the program, thus you get the same old results. Training and motivational seminars are very important and a much needed aspect toward success. However, coaching is much different than training. Coaching is an ongoing relationship that helps you stay encouraged, motivated, and focused on applying seminar information and training knowledge. Rather than allowing life’s distractions to automatically push you back to your old self-defeating habits, the on going nature and consistency of coaching allows you to create new “success producing” habits that truly serve you.
Who do you work with?
We work with people in all walks of life. Our main focus is independent, small, and mid-size business owners, sales people and sales managers. Some of our clients are just starting businesses while others earn several hundred thousand dollars annually. Some clients are really burnt out, and some are ready to go to the next level. Top athletes, entertainers, politicians and professionals have discovered the value of the right coach. We’ve discovered most people need to expect more out of life. Expect Success Coaching & Training helps our clients believe their own success is possible and to design and implement the necessary steps needed to experience the true joy and abundance life should bring.
What makes Expect Success Coaching & Training different from other coaching programs?
We deal with the internal and external causes for success. Many coaching programs only focus on the external aspects (setting goals, time management, techniques, strategies, accountability, etc.), basically the SKILLS. While the external aspects are a major part of our program, and very important, we also focus on the internal causes for success and failure (attitude, faith, belief, expectations, fears, procrastination, stress, etc.). We focus on the individual’s causes for success or failure. This is one of the greatest reasons for our incredible success when coaching our clients.
What can I expect from coaching?
You can expect RESULTS! Our professional coaches, act as ongoing partners for our clients. Our real-world experience and external perspective on any given situation help clients improve their performance and enhance the quality of their lives. As skilled listeners and observers, our coaches customize our approaches to the individual client’s needs. We believe clients already have most of the skills and abilities they need. Our job is to help clients unleash their own potential, and take the actions needed to achieve RESULTS!
How do I prepare for my first coaching appointment?
Be thinking about the “big picture”. Have a good assessment of where you are right now in your career and life, and more importantly…where do you want to go. Be able to identify for your coach what is working in your business right now, and what areas you need to improve. The enclosed questionnaire is designed to start your thinking process in these areas. However, rest assured our coaches are highly trained in asking just the right questions to reveal areas requiring development.
What if my coach and I just don’t click?
We carefully evaluate your profile to match you with a coach that will be able to assist you best. Although it’s rare, if you feel as though we have ‘mismatched’ you, please speak with us and we will find a proper coach to assist you in reaching your goals.
What if I don’t know what my goals are right now?
Determining your goals, vision, and purpose are all a very big part of the coaching process. Your coach is effectively trained to assist you in those areas.
Will I have assignments, or homework?
Yes, as directed by you. Together with your coach you will design an action plan to achieve your goals. If you are having trouble completing your assignment, we then take a deeper look at ‘WHY’ and resolve the problem from that angle. Rather than forcing you against resistance, we look to find the resistance and dissolve it.
What can I do to get the most out of my coaching?
Make every appointment with your coach! Make your coaching a priority, be open, honest, coachable and willing to implement your coach’s recommendations.
I’ve heard about addressing the “internal” and the “external” in coaching, what exactly does that mean?
The external aspect is more about building your professional skill set, such as becoming a great business owner, sales person, marketer, business manager, or networker. The internal aspect addresses limiting emotions such as fear, doubt, stress, and frustration. In addition, the belief system you have created around money, or sales, or your own ability, may be subconsciously holding you back, as well as your confidence and self image. These emotions and beliefs are deeply ingrained and have been developed over many years of conditioning by social influences. Coaching is a very big part of transforming these beliefs and emotions.
Why NOW?
Because NOW is the right time! Many people use “it’s not the right time” as an excuse to not get started with coaching (or anything for that matter). The truth is…the so called “right time” will never happen, life doesn’t work like that. Excuses will get you nowhere, and actions will get you to your goals. Successful people make it happen NOW, instead of waiting for the “right time”.